We always have a choice. I voted for Clinton in 2016, and that would be the last time I’d vote for a conservative who doesn’t care if I live or die. The net effect (over time) of voting for the lesser of two evils is that the political spectrum shifts so far to the right that both parties represent reactionary corporate interests. That is essentially what has happened during the last 40 years. So if Biden gets the nomination, I’ll be voting for Gloria La Riva (the PSL candidate). I guess it’s worth mentioning that I’m a socialist and that Bernie is already my compromise. And yes, I’m aware that voters like me rejecting Biden in the general election could result in Trump’s re-election. But here’s the thing: Trump isn’t actually worse than Biden. Their policies are almost identical, from foreign militarism to domestic austerity, to the record-breaking deportations and silencing of whistleblowers we saw under Obama. And voting for the “lesser of two evils” only legitimizes this barbaric neoliberal system. I am morally opposed to the Democratic Party, just as I am morally opposed to the Republican Party. The Democratic Party, pretending to represent the working class, needs to either be completely renovated by progressives, or it needs to be destroyed.