You’ve convinced me to vote for Biden. Great job.
But, on a serious note, the Democratic Party establishment is responsible for Trump’s victory in 2016, and will be responsible if he wins in 2020. By putting all its effort into destroying a mildly progressive insurgency within its party, it is now stuck running a conservative rapist against the conservative rapist that’s currently in power. But, though Biden has a lower chance of winning than Sanders would have, this is not irrational; it is an act of class solidarity. The Democratic elites benefit in a tangible material way with Trump in power rather than Sanders, who would have increased their taxes and introduced other progressive legislation that would have reduced their wealth (probably mildly).
But that’s all old news. I’m not a Democrat but Sanders was my compromise. Though I am a communist, I was willing to give social democracy one more chance. It was stopped in its tracks by the political force of advanced neoliberalism. I’m not necessarily an accelerationist, but I do think it’s objectively a good thing that the U.S. is collapsing. The continued existence of this monstrosity is the main barrier to human liberation.